You were created for the here and now! Welcome to the Created For Now space - a place to encourage you, a weekly spot to discover the beauty God planned for you, and a space to sift and find the golden nuggets God has created just for you.

When I was nineteen, and newly doing life on my own, I became frustrated at the barrage of people trying to lead me in their direction. After I poured out my heart on the phone, my father gave me the best advice, and I still keep it close to my heart twenty-five years later.

He said, “In life, everyone will tell you what is right or wrong; what is good or bad for you. All you can do is sift through it all - like you are sifting for gold. You will find your golden nuggets.”

I was, and still am gratful for my father’s wisdom. You are invited to join me every week as we seek our Heavenly Father’s golden wisdom that he has already given us for a life created for now.

Colossians 1:16

“For in Him all things were created; All things have been created through Him and for Him.”